Wednesday, December 17, 2008

sNoW eNds BrEAd

about this thing with objective ethics and might is right and if its ok to kill other ppl from another religion.
i dunno. seems ok to me from a darwin point of u. its just evolution. battling it out.... and stuff. from an evolutionary perspective, we're right on track towards natural total global annihilation anyways.

on that note, as i write this, the thing that strikes me the most is how difficult it is to write. i mean to actually communicate what one means. its easy to slap together a bunch of words when its supposed to be funny and nice and la la la. but what if u had to get a seious point across. boy its hard. coz you mean ONE thing, but ppl end up reading something else into it. at the very best, u get about 40% of your meaning across.

THAT is a pain. coz then u have to put in effort. and ME. being the Queen of LAZY among the other things.... well you get the picture.

that being said..
its AWESOME here. we're gonna have a white xmas. and that almost never happens in portland. apparently the rain + snow combination makes it dangerous for life and limb to get out. so i'm coming up with a spot of cabin fever. popular news reports say that winco is now out of milk, bread and potato chips. yup yup our 3 most imp food groups :P
man i'm gonna try to build a snowman ^_^ yaay !

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