Monday, March 9, 2009

teLLinG nO liEs

i once had this friend
he unfortunately suffered from the condition that he was too nice.
lets call him rf. and before you nutjobs out there come up with all sorts of crackpot explanations, it simply means random friend

rf: "i think your really nice"
me: "why? do you have a fever?? why would you say something like that??" [ very suspicious of ppl who call me nice ]
rf: "no i really think your sweet. i don't think you'd hurt anyone"
me: [ looking up at the sky ] "mebe you've had too much sun?? i don't know what else could induce this madness. you know you should really be more carefull before calling ppl such nasty things such as nice... [ changed the subject. ]



few days later



rf: so how was the movie?
me: what movie??
rf: yest you said you couldn't talk on the phone, coz u were in a movie theater....
me: i did?? oh i was prob lying. oh well no biggie. [ cheerfully whistling and back to brewing tea ]


rf: you LIED??? you mean you lied... < choking > how could you!!! how can you just lie so blatantly....
me: oh.. relaaaax. it's not like it's the first time. i do it all the time , to get out of doing stuff i have no interest in doing.. [ only prob is i forget and then get caught... ]
yaawn. why? wat's the big deal?? [ opening one eye and peering curiously at rf ]
rf: how could you [ more and more emotionally hysterical ] i thought you were this sweet person who couldn't be so devious.
me: yeah... about that... :D i just got tired of being nice. must have been some temp madness that i went along with it.. it was quite funny to see you think i was nice...

rf: omg .... your like... your like .... < choking and sputtering >
me: spawn of the devil?? a bitch?? yeah i've heard that one before.
rf: shocked silence. [ you called yourself a bitch and didn't even bat an eyelash at it ]
me: right then. i need to go. i got some work.... wooops oh yeah right. actually i'm just bored, so i'm going home to take a nap.


hmm for some reason , things were never quite the same with rf again...
some ppl find it so hard to trust anybody :P

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