Monday, March 9, 2009

i'M wiTh stUpiD, aGaiN

there are some things guys will never get about women.
and one of them is how females make decisions.

i mean decisions on imp stuff like which car or which house to buy. like major things.

now i'm looking at cars. and sometimes i'm completely baffled by my reasoning.
[ what i mean is sometimes my rational side just sits back and stares at me like i don't know me at all... wat the.... ]
right. so i go through this silly list. and how can i tell which one is good???? [ car? guy? apparently i have the same issues everywhere... ]
well i definitely don't want that car, coz it looks funny. in the picture. ok so what if all of them are the same model?
oh no i don't want this car, cause the dealer doesn't seem to be interested in selling me a car at all.

hmmm this one seems ok. but its 50 bucks more than the other one. pictures? well they're all the same model... you mean i have to look at ALL their pictures?? jeez man.

so i call this guy and he kind of .... steamrolls me. before i know it, i'm clutching the phone to my head. and like a zombied parrot blurting out my social security number and date of birth to him. while the voices in my head are screaming at me [ WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!! ] and i can SOO see R yelling at me when i tell her about this. [ the first thing R told me when i got my SSN was "guard it with your life. let NO ONE, including GOD know. i don't really understand why, coz right now. the verizon guys, the electricity bill guys, the bank guys, the office guys, lot of ppl seem to know my SSN. not to mention the jc penny girl who tried to get me this card..... ]

i keep the phone down half traumatized and i'm thinking. GOOD LORD, i am going to be the victim of fraud. aaaaaaaaarrgh. and on my way to the brain meltdown which happens atleast once everyday.. i have to see this jerk writing about me , i don't know what he's calling me in the previous post. listen hon, just coz you got male breasts, you don't have to be jealous of females who are by nature supposed to have em u know.. [ talking about the last guy who i asked to fob off. i mean how rude can you get!! :O ] calling me a.... a... < sputtering >

anyways i'm sure i have more to say on how women make decisions rationally. [ i liked this guy's shoes and his wife is pregnant so i'll buy a car from him ]
i mean i'm sure we come to a decision in a thoughtful and rational manner and we have sound scientific reasons for everything we do. [ just that no one else on the planet can figure it out. ]
< grimace >

alrite alrite. time out.
yes yes i know. i really earned my title as reigning queen. [ is that spelled right? ]. mebe what i need is one of those giant signs flashing over my head saying "warning stupid person walking."

ok so the day will come when my neuroses will end and i'll be able to disable the anon posting on my blog. try and get all your jollies by then....
and if i just seem plain tired, that's coz I AM. i slept 4 hours last night. [ MAG book ] and i can't seem to remember my last meal....

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