Tuesday, October 23, 2007

nEw YoRk neW yORk

New york is amazing. It instantly reminds you of the sex and the city show, u know what I mean?
All ladies dressed up in Jessica parker kind of clothes. People everywhere walking where they gotta go. Shops all over. Clothes, shoes, just STUFF. Awesome stuff no less. Expensive stuff. Old old buildings, brand new glass one’s. a hand jutting out of a 18th story window holding a cigarette. Rooftops that have mini trees jutting skyward. Snippets of sky between buildings. So many buildings. 40 stories high 70 gettsomething. In your heart. Being an engineer you gotta feel something. So much was done with just our imagination. Call it awesome or call it evil, but its something man dreamt up and built. And the sheer energy of the place ! coming from Muscat, mangalore, mysore, Bangalore, Pittsburgh. This place is unique. More like Mumbai. Since ive never lived in Mumbai I guess I can’t really tell which has more restless , pent up energy. But I guess both of us need a place like this. A buzz giving place. Where everyone comes and dreams big and does something of their lives. I guess we need a couple more too. Bangalore is trying, but I don’t know if it can ever be this way. Ther’s too much resentment. Too much frustration. They don’t embrace chaos as they seem to in Mumbai. It’s a sleepy place forced to become a bustling city. And everyone hates it. But in NY and Mumbai. Everyone loves it. Every single person living here. Loves it.
And the people look thev’e come straight out of a catalogue.
i had an interview in a company. The buzz at that place was just too much ! I felt like ugly betty coming to work for the fashion magazine !! literally !
is ny for me?? I don’t know. I thought I was always the dreamy kind of person, the person who loves to sit alone and ponder and write a verse here and there??
But I also get bored easily. And I need a constant adreline rush in my life.
So is this the place for me?? I don’t know. Well I haven’t got the job offer yet. And just wanting SOME job has nothing to do with getting one. There is so much parallelism I can draw from the other side of my life it almost hurts my sides. From laughing too hard I mean :P

All I can say is that its been an interesting experience. And here I am in another airport bound for another interview. In my sandals. I mean literal bathroom slippers in a salwar. Hey I can traipse across America in my salwar if I want to. Isn’t what this place is all about. Freedom?? ;P to look as scruffy as you want to and no one cares. So I’m in my salwar and if I didn’t have that I’d wear my scruffy shoes and my dirty jeans and I’d go. Coz I really can’t deck up for a flight halfway through America. Tired doesn’t even begin to describe it. And something happens you know. That distracts you.

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