Friday, November 14, 2008

pEopLe aRE maDe oF

Wislon, would it be interesting to think of people as Operating systems.
eh what? you say. well let me put it this way.

think of personalities as operating systems. and people as... i don't know computers. and then have that some ppl have the capability to house multiple OS, and they switch at will.
some ppl are the same OS everywhere. some ppl are like DOS and some ppl are some high end OS.. oh i don't know that much about OS Wilson.

ofcourse then u have the core kernel [ am i right? OS ppl ?? ] and then each person , woops OS is loaded with a unique set of functionalities. yrs yrs ago i had this discussion with Nayak on how all ppl are unique but yet the same. its like the building blocks are all the same. upto a certain segment. its how much of each building block exists and is used... ok we digress.

so coming back to the point. we all are loaded with set of applications that are run on our OS. and most of us are multiple thread , parallelism capabilities. [ am i making ANY sense here? ] and sometimes things get broken. there are virus programs that infect us. like depression can be considered as a virus. and sometimes the virus program takes over the entire OS.

[ btw THANX S for giving me a MASSIVE cold. i am now coughing like an 80 yr old dying old person ]

anyways. so sometimes need hardware upgrades. thats when they get new teeth , glasses, etc..
and then sometimes the OS hangs and thats when they ... ok i havent thought of an appropriate anology yet for that...
but unlike the computers, since you can't replace the motherboard in humans a.k.a the brain. when the motherboard dies out. your dead.

interesting huh ?

i had this other theory Wilson that people , esp children were like ships being built in the harbour. but thats another theory for another day....
and mebe some other time..

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