Tuesday, November 11, 2008

aNsWErinG tHe q'S

whoa Wilson, i got a lot of flack about that dolphin phase.

some people thought i was desperately trying to be cute [ they kindly informed me, cute didn't suit me very well.. i shud go for gothic vampire slayer type ]
some people spent a while figuring what the heck i was talking about and why i was doing it... [ WHYY are u wasting ur time on this?? ]
some ppl thot i had finally.... FINALLY fallen in love [ ya right. will u give up already ? ]
some people suggested it might be my.. ahem.. ya, that time of the month when all females go nuts. [ u cudnt have been more deader wronger [[ dont say its not grammatically right, i'm inventing it. like right now. waddaya mean i can't??? ]

i mean i can't believe a simple thing as me going through a blue dolphin phase wud generate so much outrage! or interest! or just plain ur-fucking-insane kind of comments.

ok mebe i shud spell out what exactly is the blue dolphin phase. its not that complicated.

the other day i was sitting and watching TV in R___'s house. and i had a cushion on my lap. a simple one. and after a while i held it in front of my face and went cooooooooo.
like a whale tune , u know? no no not like that. u have to go longer.
like the whale songs u hear on the... sonic stuff.

ok. and then i proceeded to do that for the next 15 min until R__ got really annoyed with what i was doing [ which was staring into the cushion and going coooooo? cooooooo ]
and she was like what the heck are you doing ?? [ R__ doesn't swear and believes it to be very vulgar btw ]
r u trying to be a dove?
and since i don't like doves or pigeons [ all that dull gray ]
i just said i am a dolphin. and i'm trying to find a kindred dolphin soul.
"THROUGH THE CUSHIONS???" and thats why R___'s husband found her rolling on the floor, laughing, a half hour later...

and THAT is the reason why i was in a dolphin phase...

got it??
NOW will you stop making veiled references to females and PMS and that time of the month and full moons and new moons and werewolves.....


thank you