Friday, November 7, 2008

tHe niCeR siDe

though in their defense ditzy ppl can be awfully sweet.

on the other hand, i feel like a cynical evil villain delusioned by the world and plotting revenge against all my enemies. [ don't worry i'm not. Wilson PUT that brain-melting Laser down. we decided not to do it this yr thanks to the recession, rem?? ]

but seriously wat makes ppl this sweet. unfortunately i have a tendecy to gape at them when i meet them. i gawk with my jaw hanging open. sometimes all systems in my brain comes to a halt. to collect data on this species of naive and puppy eyed idiots.

there are very very few really genuine yuppies that i have met. [ for the sake of easy ref, thats wat i'm calling them. catch up with the nicknames already ]
very few. infact i can handcount them. most ppl always have a lil devil inside of them. jealousy, envy, anger, pettiness, selfishness, egoism, petty vinfictiveness, viciousness.... something. it may be mild.... there is always a lil bit that makes them not so naive and sweet and not so yuppy.

in some ppl its really really pronounced. in some ppl its really really well hidden. like some ppl act soo soo sweet. but hey u observe them closely enuf and more than wat they say, u gotta watch what they do. [ u getting all this down Wilson? ] and then u'll see the differences. some will say they never ever feel jealousy or never ever feel anger. but u keep watching them and you'll see. some will act all syrupy and gooey and yuppy in general, but u observe them long enuf and one day they'll slip in the act.

coz i figured its always an act. most of the time. like donning a cloak. ppl are nice , coz they all want to be liked [ ala house ] and they don't want anyone being mean to them.



in the middle of all this, once in a while, u come across a couple of genuine yuppies and THATS when u sound the all-systems alert. stop what ur currently processing and furiously start scribbling notes! coz who knows how many yrs and yrs its gonna be? before u see one again ???

definition of yuppy: one who feels NO petty jealousies, no bitterness, no jaded cynicism. infact one who doesn't think of anything bad about anything or anyone. one who is mildly delusional that the world is only made of pretty flowers and candies and kittens and puppies. one who is INcapable of seeing the stupidity of ppl, infact thinks all ppl are pretty darn neat. [ yaay! ]. ha sto be cheerfull and happy and singing most of the time. traipses through life like its a meadow of sweet smelling daisies....skipping and hopping to the song of ... darn it i don't know...
[ the reason might be slight brain damage, we don't know yet. its still under investigation ]


  1. Thanks for my worthy introduction :)

  2. YOU wish !!!!

    just that statement negates the possibility of u ever being a yuppy.... u might be classified as a guppy though

