Wednesday, November 5, 2008

miX sOMe mOre oiL


i'm still feeling terrible and unable to fall asleep...

i was just wondering something. u know how sometimes i write stuff with multiple alphabets? like aaaaaaaaaargh or bleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaak and etc
do u guys also read them along with the multiple alphabets? i mean do u , when u read, also contonue with the eee's and the aaa's till its done? or do u cheat and skip a few??

oh its completely random i know. and trust me to think of such stuff when i'm writhing around at midnight.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh i still feel like something thats scraping the bottom of your septic water tank in a tiny village in south karnataka.



  1. On reading long words, something interesting you might like:

  2. this is some other anonymous.
    U know what, i even count the repeated letters. I mean, i read ur blogs religiously, in between line and in fact, in between alphabets.

  3. i miss J, he/she was such a better commenter. why did i have to scare him/her away ???
