Thursday, June 21, 2007

gO fORTh bLiNDly

undeniably there are some things to be admired in this country.

its the same thing that strikes you first. strikes you hard as soon as you land here.
hits you right in the face....

there are footpaths along each road and people actually are safe walking on them !!

now, in b'lore walking on the footpath is statistically more dangerous than walking on the road. i can prove it you know. my friend was walking on the footpath while she got blindsided by a drunken bicycle rider !! she had her foot in a cast and suffered terribly for the next 2 years... hobbling around till the torn ligament sorta healed..
ofcourse not a single of my friends who walk on the road have been hit by a drunken bicycle rider. heck, they haven't been hit by anyone.
hence statistically with an 30% probability ur gonna suffer if u want to walk on a footpath in b'lore...

but out here??
u can blindfold yourself. plug your i-pod to your ears and take a stroll in which every goddamn direction you wish. people WILL politely give way. no one will "accidently" push you onto incoming traffic. and when u cross roads, everyone will wait patiently till you bumble your way across.

heck , pittsburgh will also give out friendly cuckoo calls to let truck drivers know that potential imbeciles like you might be crossing...
the country is amazingly pedestrian friendly ya know ? i remember times in b'lore, rainy times, when the road was flooded and to avoid being stranded we've driven our bikes/cars on the footpath. it was not a footpath per se, more of a mud gap before shrubs growth. and we've cursed optimistic pedestrians for presuming the footpath was their domain.
and when we walked? we had to call on all the survival skills passed on to us, by our pre-historic ancestors, monty and carla.

you keep a sharp look out in all directions, you triple check before sprinting accross roads (coz you inherently know, velocity of oncoming traffic increases rapidly when the driver catches sight of you), you make sure you don't bump into smelly suspicious looking people who might relieve you of your purse/wallet. you make sure that red bus drivers can see that you exist by making random movements to attract their attention (like waving hands , else they might just plow you down and plead that they didn't see you ) and when you do reach home, you check to make sure you have all your limbs. phew ! you won't do that again in a hurry ....

so you see the difference ? no wonder we're sharper on an average. coz living out here just dulls the senses ... and makes you about as dull as ummmm aaa ummmm a tortoise ?? no offense to you ofcourse...

no no, am not saying your a tortoise, let alone dull....
well actually you could use some of those brain excercises .. umm.. no i didn't mean your stupid..

awww wat the heck.
take a walk,

in bangalore.

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