Friday, April 17, 2009

hObbiES foR a RaiNy daY

rm: "heyy"
me: "heyy" < i go back to my puzzle after a brief distracted glance >
rm: "so did u hear about H's girl"
me: "ummmm"
rm: "u heard about how she slapped C in the bowling arena?"
me: waat! :O ok this is wayyy more interesting than my puzzle. that can wait. why the heck did she slap someone???
rm: "apparently she's a bit unbalanced"
me: "waaat!! u mean high strung...."
rm: "well i don't approve of H with her at all.. he totally deserves better."
me: "uhhhhh well unless ur willing to drop ur current almost boyfriend, then i don't
think we shud talk about who he should be dating..."
rm: "apparently she also fought with two of his other friends and then started crying..."
me: ......

what? are guys that dumb? to go out with such .. umm.. dangerous women?? jeez louis. just stay away from me all u crazy ppl. and let me go back to my ... yeah yeah so i'm a loser for having such a boring hobby.

c: "so what do you do on weekends"
me: "nothing much... " [ voice trailing off. i see her expectant expression and start listing all, i mean ALL of my activities. ]
... and then i go to the library... [ still the expectant expression. slow panic beginning to set in. what more do you WANT?? ]
... and then my jigsaw puzz... < voice lowered to a mumble >
c: "omg, u mean you don't go clubbing or pubbing"
me: "uhhhh no. u mean u do? i didnt even know there were dance clubs in the area.."
c: "how can u not go anywhere. why don't you go anywhere.."
me: "...." [ no really. what DO you want woman. where am i supposed to be going?? ]
c: "don't you cook?"
me: < wince > "no. not that much. but you see...." [ i know what's coming next ]
c: "do you go out? why don't you go out?"
me: "u mean for food?? uhhh ..." [ ok i'm officially lost. where should i be going and with who should i go?? ]
and while her expression changes from horror to sympathy to pity and she starts to tsk at me, i wonder how fast can i excuse myself and go back to having my lunch at my desk. i mean seriously. is it really that terrible that i'd rather spend my free time doing something that i like, even if the rest of the world thinks its completely dorky??

hey u know what i want to do next?? ^_^ build one of those model ships. u know... paint it and all. and then take up knitting. and knit a muffler for myself. i mean wat?? they're arts and crafts.. never did much of them as a kid. am thinking now that i'm all grown up i should be able to handle a bottle of glue and blunt scissors without ..... uhhhh.. never mind.

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