Thursday, April 16, 2009

cAn'T i juSt Let oFf stEaM ?

ok so i like popular pop or whatever it is.

ok ok i admit it, Taylor swift is just canned bubblegum kind of music. so i like the melody. shrug. like i give a.... never mind.

but u know what?? its galling. the kind of prejudice that people have. the assumptions they make.....
i mean heyyy , if you wanted to stick to your pre-concieved notions about .... sigh. i did promise didn't i? that i wudn't talk about people??
not even donkeys who said idiotic things and made random generalizations.

i cannot even BEGIN to tell you how many times i've heard some of them. the random stupid stuff i mean. and without fail everytime i've wanted to yank out my hair and punch someone on the nose.

*the younger generation has no respect for their elders. tsk tsk they just don't listen [ heyy that's like sooooo not fair. here's a news flash lady, ppl have been blaming their younger generations for the last 3000 years. let it go already!!! :O just let the kids listen to they're rock music in peace.... ]

*________ ( they ) have no culture. while _______( we )has a lot of culture.
[ oooo-kaaaay < me rolling my eyes > here's another news flash just for you sweety, all your puritan ideas are actually victorian in origin. all that stuff about not wearing sleeveless and not showing skin? guess where it came from? that's right. queen frickin victoria. a bloody prude. do u actually think that before her, we gave 2 thoughts to who wore what??? for the love of GOD we founded a nudist religion!!! [ very impressive :O ] but will you pls pls pleeeeeez give the moral police a rest?? ]

*i will eat only the food of my ancestors and talk only the language of my ancestors and watch only ______ movies coz that's the best. [ u can fill the blank with ur choice of narrow minded bigoted... whatever. sigh, let me ask you this. now try to grasp this. if your NEVER ever going to open ur teeensy weensy brain to other possibilities in the world and look around you once in a while AND admit that we don't necessarily have all the answers, then what are you doing here?? mebe u shud sit in your village and blow. ya just blow. shrug, don't ask me what? just sit there like a beached whale and blow willya?? it'll be mighty less irritating than me having to listen to some of that rubbish. ooh and btw didn't you tell me your great-grandpa migrated and adopted your current place and essentially doesn't that mean all that your strutting around as your "culture" isn't necessarily yours???

yeah u guessed right, i really dislike nationalistic prudes who go on and on about how great they're culture is. heyy! HEYY u wear full sleeved clothes and ur almost part of a live-in relationship. guess what the BHP/VHP/RSVP would prefer.... ]

*i don't care.
[ gaah! it's when i often hear this all the time.... that's when it really hits me. ppl accuse me of not caring.... but that's like sooooo completely wrong. if anything.... mebe I... never mind.
coz not caring? if you really want to see someone who truly doesn't care? about anything other than their little pod of a world? then u just come on by.... ]

oooh i'm in full form today aren't I. and after all my good intentions not to bash someone. sigh.
i think i need to go somewhere on a break. i'm thinking.... montana.
i wonder how much it wud cost to go by myself ? and just check in somewhere and look out the window. that wud be cool.

and i also wonder what would be suitable revenge for friends who take you for granted??

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