Friday, February 27, 2009

mAkiNg tHe riGht cALL

at the risk of being shot dead the next time i take a walk to the local grocery store... is it alright to call someone a psycho and tell them to go away ?

i mean i don't really want to be rude. but hey. what am i supposed to reply to these whackos??? i don't get it. why do ppl do this kind of stuff. is it a prank? is it some sick perversity?

ok now. i'm not being dramatic, but just to see if your grey cells are working fine, i've put up that guy's lines somewhere in my post. just think about it for a min, and you'll know where to find it. just that i didn't want to put it up out here.
[ i really really REALLY don't want to be shot ]
and yup its still pretty funny. ok mebe not as funny as last time....

years and years ago i had this neighbour. it would be stretching it to call her a friend... she was wierd.. u know? i mean rea-lly.... wierd. her fav pastime was to call ppl on a prank... u know. THE prank calls. she found them hillarious. just dial random numbers and not say anything.
now in prank calls you have all kinds of sickos
the silent-vigils
the hangup-as-soon-u-pick-up
the heavy-breathers [ really creepy ]
and the rest of the plain stupids

i don't see it. the charm of doing that. it's a perfectly wasted afternoon, and for some reason i always imagine broken hips when i think of prank calls...

u must have had prank calls in your life. i mean someone must have done it to you??
i've had a couple. like someone actually called up my house and asked for me. and then they ... well u know and oh! my reaction was SO classic.

"hello? can i speak to QoD?"
"yeah this is she"
"i love you"
"i LOVE you"
"sorry this is a wrong number"
[ slammed the phone down and walk away miffed. creepy anon stalker char....i'm not THAT desperate. puh-leeeeaaase gimme a break. < muttering to myself >....... and NOW you know why i like anon ppl so much. they bring back SUCH fond memories < rolling my eyes > ]


well then. that was just ONE of the anon prank calls i got. never was good at making them. i remember this one time... we were calling up my neighbours, who had an answering machine [ not the same one, diff neighbours, and in those days an answering machine was still so new. so exciting < grimace > ]
so my mom makes me call, and she's standing right in front of me [ i was like her....secretary those days... ] and i'm already nervous [ coz those days i was SO sh*t scared of my mom ] and i get the answering machine, and as usual i.... i mean i'm listening to this woman go yada yada yada.. leave a message after the beep, [ yes yes i know woman. get on with it.. ] and then the beep and then i.... freeze. i try to thrust the phone frantically at my mom, she refuses to take the phone to talk, i'm standing with the phone in my hand and not knowing what to say and the tape is rolling... ok i can do this. [ put the phone down put the phone down the voices in my head are screaming ] but when i'm about to DO that.... her highness suddenly gets the devil in her and she's like, "leave an anonymous message as a prank" [ she whisphers to me... 10 seconds and still rolling ]
and i'm trying to bat her away and leave a message coz its been 10 seconds and i'm saying "hi, this is sheeths and just calling to let you know... what?? [ belatedly realize what my mom is saying and since i live in mortal fear , belatedly trying to follow her orders. hey those were the 90's. EVERYTHING she said was an order from god.. ]
umm ok so... [ ok ok i'll do it i'll do it. batting away my mom's gestures at me ]
ummm so.......GUESS WHO????"" < said in a bright happy voice and slammed the phone down >

phew that was over. i turn around and i see my mom holding her head in her hands.
"what are u?? u just told them your name and then said GUESS WHO??? are you sure your my child?? coz i want a refund...."

internal pause.


my bro is rolling on the floor and laughing and all noise fades away as i stare in dismay at the phone and imagine my friends face when her parents play the tape when they get back. ummm is there a way i can delete that message?? like mebe if i call them again?? or like 20 times. isn't there a limit where it will be overwritten?? or mebe if i break into their hou....

1 comment:

  1. Remember a similar situation. One of my friends picked the ringing phone, a few exchange of words.....she asked the person on the other end..... MAY I know TO WHOM you are talking to ??...... just imagine the other person's and my condition !!! I laughed for a while, the real joke was she didn't just realize what's she telling. Luckily the phone was cut in the other end !
