Friday, February 20, 2009

baBY sTEpS anD tHe PoLkA danCe

it's easy to talk. talk is dirt cheap.

how do they say it back home? paying lip service.

i've done it for years. talked about it i mean. the teaching, the going back, the vision. yes yes i've had it for years. but what have i done about it? till now?

then you'd ask why was i always talking about it? was i trying to boast? pretend? show off?
yeah i knew you'd ask that.

i talk coz its the simplest way for me to remember without forgetting. for me not to lose sight of it. and to put pressure on myself. by repeating the same story again and again, i'm just reminding myself that it's been 6 years since i started talking about it and i haven't done anything yet.
they say you should talk about your goals, coz it pressurizes you into trying to achieve them. tell 10 ppl that your on a diet and the next time your reaching for that cookie, atleast one of them is gonna question "what happened to the diet?"
maybe you'll keep that cookie back 2 times out of 4.

heyy it works trust me.
though that's only if u have friends that care :P

ok anyways why was i rambling as usual? oh ya right. so i met this guy. S.C.portland.
10 years of work exp in Intel, started an NGO in 2007.
how is this relevant. yeah right. i'm joining them. well keep your fingers crossed. as long as they want me, and everything works out. and i'm not a complete failure as a teacher. i'll be joining the volunteer team to teach in a community center for homeless kids. one hour every week. lets start off slow. its like building muscle, mustn't strain and lose interest right in the beginning.

also, it's quiet a drive from here apparently. that sucks. but it's ok. i'll need 2 hours per week.
no one said it would be easy. shrug. and no i don't have stars in my eyes that it's gonna be glamorous. and yes the world is screwed up and it's kind of unfortunate that within the first ten minutes i blabbed to him that i'd be in intel only for a couple of years coz i planned to teach full time. and that i was disappointed in the human race as a whole and i have no expectations of decency from ppl.
:P [ good heavens. lord only knows what he thinks of me !! ]
but seriously it's true. too many people get dillusioned too fast. too shocked. i think i'm beyond shock at anything. but i don't know. the universe is pretty wierd, it cud throw me a curve ball yet.

and i'm probably going to be the youngest member in the team. that's ok. he wonders what's getting me into this. why do i want to do it ... :D
where do i start??
well you know me. most def i blabbed... and prob insulted some ppl... :P
hey it IS hard to get that momentum once your stuck in your groove. once you have a family, your priorities change you know... i can understand that... kind of. it's harder to get off your ass and do something esp if you have to go home and cook and clean and coach your son's soccer team.. yada yada yada

so i mentioned this to some of my friends. oh they were interested in a vague theoretical sense. but you see, when i went to them with the concrete set of required commitments needed, they put me off. vague excuses.
ofcourse it's gonna take a couple of hours of your work hours. you find a way to work around it. what did you think? did you really expect this to be a painless process?? then everyone would do it wouldn't they??
but again this is just paying lip service.... before i say more, i need to put my money where my mouth is.. kind of.

oh did i mention i managed to impress the founder of the NGO and he said in a few months i could be invited to join the board of directors. ^_^
that's cool.

HEY. SO WAT if its just a nickle and dime Non-profit. i've never been invited to ANY board of directors before :P i'm taking it....

oooh ooooh since he already has contacts with the schools, he said if i was really interested, then i could take a part time teaching post at the school...