Friday, January 9, 2009

hoLED uP iNsidE

black eyed peas - where is the love?

you know what would really solve all problems? if Israel built this HUGE dome like thing over their country. see, the way i look at it, they just got to do it once, see? and then mebe its concrete or mebe its reinforced missile proof glass? and they build this huge dome thing over themselves so they can't be attacked by cheap rockets or nuclear missiles. mebe they can harvest moon-rock or mars-granite or something. heck what do i know?

mebe all countries shud be doing that. and then we have gates where ppl can enter and very strict guards at the gates. not poorly-paid-easily-bribable-with-swiss-chocolates kind of guards, u know? i mean if i was a guard, i might get tempted by swiss chocolates.. you know?

ok mebe u shud have robot guards. coz mebe they're the only one's you can't bribe, see?
and then since the ppl in ur country can no longer see the sky, mebe u shud make the dome glass, coz otherwise its just prison. right?

mebe that wud help. no more bombing. no more problem.

waow, did i just describe hell??

actually. u never know. 200 yrs from now. thats exactly how we might be loving...woops i mean living. not us ofcourse. coz we'd be dead, unless there was a nuclear war and then we all turned mutants or something. mutants that lived for a cool 300 yrs.

K is TOTALLY banking on the world ending at 2012. ha! we wish!! i tell him, we can't be THAT lucky. :P

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