Thursday, January 22, 2009

gEtTinG iN thE zONe

u know wat ur supposed to do in your life?

something that makes your blood hum. if not downright sing.

it cud be cars, it cud be books, it cud be space rockets or dinosaurs or cats. [ no i didn't say you shud DO dinosaurs or cats, ha ha very funny ]
but to spend all day in the zone.
u know they actually have a definition for it. its what the old renaissance masters did. they'd go into the Zone. and thats how they'd get all those masterpieces out.

the zone is defined as a state where you're not aware of time... your lost in the task. u forget yourself and get completely immersed in what your doing. its not when u look at the clcok evey 4 hours wondering when the day will end. its not where you get so bored, you think you might have blacked out your entire morning. its kind of the same state you might reach with weed. but i wudnt know never having done any weed. [ mebe u shud ask K, he's a regular weed guy :P ]

i've been in the zone many times. so i know it exists. when i write. when i paint. when i read. and very very rarely when i work. or mebe i shud say worked. college stuff.
find your zone and that should be your job. and mebe you'll not be very good at it, but atleast you'll be happy.

ok now hold on. i didn't mean you got to quit your day job and become a burger flipper for McD's!!!


  1. bullc**p
    If every one wants to be in the zone, e1's zone will be some thing like, "to start ur own company", "to do GROUND BREAKING (lol) research" n |||r crap.
    There wud be no one left to sweep the floors ...
    i prefer to do what i have at hand and do it well, instead of listening to such crap, that ppl tell.

    good luck finding ur ZONE. probly u will "revolutionize" something (lol)

  2. mebe i didn't explain it right. here ya go

  3. nad btw i did agree with u. u don't read the whole post do u??

  4. Anon#1 is a cynic..who's probably never going to make an impact in his life (hows that for harsh!!)

    When a job is not just a job..but a calling, a passion..that's when you are "in the zone". I totally relate..have had the same experience a few times..

    and what's wrong with flipping burgers at McDs if it pays the bills..while you work at your real passion?

    (but the point is to be passionate about something..)

  5. I really wish people become really passionate about flipping burgers, sweeping floors, taking care of elders (not parents), bug-fixing, running CICS queries. I am still on a hunt for some one who's real calling was to do one of this, some one who was truly passionate abt these things. But, unfortunately e1 i meet wants to do some "impact" (lol..)in life. man, i can't stop laughing when people use words like "impact", "revolutionary", "cutting edge", "out of the box"...... these are just bullc**p...
    btw, i agree i am a cynic, and with all modesty, i am living a peaceful life with good work. i am passionate about 30% of what i do, but really hate the rest 70%. But, thats how, even "REVOLUTIONARY" jobs wud be.

    who ever wrote the prev comment, please let me know, what "impact" you have done, pipe-dream to do.

    btw, i understand the OP's intended meaning of "flow"

  6. anon2 - thnx
    anon1 - if ur so peacefully living your life, then why do u get so antsy??? pipe down a lil and let the rest dream on..

    so angry... so frustrated.... in someone so young! really, its a pity :P

    or here's another one. careful Claudia, your claws are showing.

    and here's another point for u to ponder. mebe not everyone needs to have a job involving their flow. mebe all they need is to have the flow in their lives. and come ON. don't tell me e1 isn't searching for it. its the ultimate high! obv e1 wants it. even YOU must have a hobby or something. and if u don't... no wonder ur so bitter.

  7. for ne one who wants to improve India's Primary education:
