Thursday, November 13, 2008

tO ThAt paRtiCULar aNon

ok ahem. [ clearing my throat ]

i may have been a little harsh. in my... umm criticizm of the person who... umm... who had commented on my post.

you have to understand the ummm.... strange effects of the full moon on beings like me. and basically i had lost contact with the mother ship. but thats not to say it gives me a license to be rude to you, ofcourse.
infact even though u may be the biggest jackass on the planet. i shud have the good grace to not mention it.. i mean...u can't help it that you evolved from a spider. a particularly stupid spider.

yaah so i shudn't have been so rude as to point out that your nothing but a lily livered 2 pence show off [ Nayak ] and i think it must be hard to go through life with a personality like that. so we shud all make some allowances for u...

u do get that i'm aplogizing in the nicest possible way right?

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