Thursday, November 6, 2008

liL qUirKs o miNE

my brother is a really funny guy. thats why i don't really mind if he yells at me. and then too i do a lot of stupid things when i'm staying at home.

like this one time i was talking to someone on the phone. and then i was done and was telling them bye. and just before i kept the phone down, i was like
"Bye, see ya around" and i was waving my hand. well not a full blown wave just a lil hand waving... and my bro caught me at it. i mean i never even realized my entire life that i do that. and i do such wierded out things.
and he was like "wat the heck is wrong with u? are u like a retard.. ur waving to ppl on the PHONE."
"were u dropped on ur head as a kid?? man thats soo retarded."
and he was laughing his head off the whole while.

which if u actually think about it is pretty funny.
i mean WHO does that??? just a quirk of mine. i move my hands a lot when i talk. its pretty funny to watch. like an energizer bunny doped up to its fuzzy pink ears....


  1. i am so happy, i know a quirk of the great QoD. I am seriously chronicling it for future generations.
    Your's sincerely,

  2. are you serious??? thats cool i can give you loads more !!!
