Monday, December 1, 2008

whAt i rEaLly tHinK

u do know right?

that inspite of all my crazy talk, its a colossal tradgedy. and ur not supposed to go on just as before. ur supposed to be outraged and talk and feel bad. and all that. and your supposed to be proud of all the indians who are actually living there? and pat everyone on the back. but u also know that the ppl who actually lost someone.... nothing can help them feel better? not ur feeling proud of them or ur feeling sad for them??
u know that eveyone shud speak out more against corruption and stuff.
that u shud recycle plastic and donate blood. and etc etc but also ur supposed to go on with ur life coz u shudnt be afraid and give in to terrorists. coz theyr slimy bastards and cowards. and ur not supposed to turn into a bigot or a religious nut and stone other innocent ppl of that faith. u know thats not wat hinduism stands for, right? but ur supposed to be informed about whats happening and do your part. as much as possible.

u do know that?

ok cool. just making sure.

coz in the end. all you can do, is hope that there is some meaning and life is not a random coincidence. indians are notoriously fatalistic. ofcourse its fantastic as it lets us sleep better at night. man u shud feel bad. yes. but realize that the worst is yet to come.

so just be prepped for it.

and me talking crazy is just the frustration talking. and the helplessness. u get that? well then we're gud.

1 comment:

  1. The worst is yet to come?? ..but hope springs eternal in the human breast.

    "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds;
    and the pessimist fears this is true."

    ~James Branch Cabell
