Thursday, February 19, 2009

miSsiNg a LinK

how do you find someone who has dropped off the face of the planet??

i mean i know that if i go awol, i have my roomate who can break my door down [ wait i forget there are no locks in this house except for the bathrooms ] so she can just walk in and haul me out by the scruff of my neck.. ok i exaggerate as usual. she's like 1/4th my size, she can't really do that...
but seriously. i tried to go awol and ppl found me somehow.
but what if you didn't have a roomate and you had moved to another city, so no one knew your address. and you canceled your orkut and facebook and linkedin accounts.
you also didnt reply to emails and didn't answer phone calls. and if people called the company where they thought you worked, they were informed that such a person had never been there and never worked for them.

interesting. then how do i find him?
i don't know the number of his family in india. theoretically he would have atleast kept in touch with his parents right?
who am i talking about? someone i knew and thought was a good friend. someone who just upped and went away. suddenly.
without even saying anything.
anal bitch that i am, now i've sunk my obsessed teeth into this, i just can't let it go. hey the least he could do was let me know, that/if he didnt want to talk to me anymore.

no nothing. nothing. nada. zilch. i got nothing. he has a blog. no posts since jan 13th or mebe 14th.
i write to some ppl who follow his blog or who's blog he follows. they don't reply. god alone knows why. i know we had some common friends and they have no clue where he is. and no one even knows where he lives in NY and right now no one knows where he works.
so in the end. i have one AWOL friend. and i'll be damned if i'll let it go at that without finding out if he's dead or alive.

hey. it stopped being funny about a month ago. i suspect he might be in india. but he** they got internet in india too u know. the least i cud get was a postcard or anonymous email or some such BS. i'd know if it was him writing as anon, wouldn't i?

hey you anon ppl out there, are u A.A.the.JA? and if your not i'd appreciate a Nay from you guys.


  1. what i'm actually thinking is he might have been abducted by aliens. you know those wierd green skinned people??
    yeah... aliens could have done it. why the heck did they leave me behind??

  2. ok i've exhausted myself emotionally over this. i'm done. for now. i'll wait. i wonder if it will take more than 10 years for the aliens to return him.
