Tuesday, February 24, 2009

beiNG ruDe and goLdeN bALls

normal conversations with people i haven't met in like forever

random person == rp

rp: hey
me: hey [ hmm ok its you.wait how do i know you? oh well, wait, give me a min to remember who you are ]
rp: how are you
me: i'm good how are you [ automated response. safe ground here ]
rp: hows work
me: work is good [ still on automatic. well i give up. i don't know where i know you from. but obv i do, since your kind enough to ask about my work.... ]
pause for 4 minutes
me: oh! how's your work [ woops how rude of me ]
no response
[ oh well. atleast i tried. there's another person who's off my xmas list... ]

well you gotta understand that i'm not being rude. not really. u know. just that... sometimes i... may.... not be ...... interested.
esPECIALLY when i don't know you at all :P

ok now tell me. how does on end up with 700+ friends and 150+ fans on orkut?
what do you even DO , to attain that level of notoriety?? :) hmmmm curiouser and curiouser

oh the golden balls? that's what M tells me when i BS too much. :D its funny. ive heard of brass balls. but not GOLDEN



  1. can i be your friend?

  2. why do u do this to me?

  3. oh dear. we seem to have smack run into some cheesy movie set. are u just running through your list of seedy lines??

    bbye. this blog has room for only one psycho. and R this isn't funny anymore. lay off.
