"what purse, why the heck do u carry so many little girly bags anyways??"
"well i have my wallet in my pocket, and my phone and my ipod.. whoa i got my passport and house keys in the purse. i abs need gotta have it!"
"oh alrite get in. lets go back to the bus stand"
< ten minutes on the imp of not being absent minded ...which i'm nodding my head to, but barely listening.. >
[ did i have it in the train? yeah i rem the creepy guy who said hi and i moved a seat further away, then i rem removing something from it and also when gettin off i rem thinking , thank god i didnt leave the purse anywhere in las vegas or chicago or the flights or the restrooms...or train stations >
"must be the bus stand, thats where i was thinking all these things"
it was a fool's trip. as in a packed my bags like a fool [ too much junk ] i booked my tickets like a fool [ wierd timings, layover and twice the time to fly ], lost my luggage [ on the way back ] and fell ill on the way [ thot i'd cancel the trip back , but phew made it ]
but the stay out there was MARVELOUS
abs fun
i got to see the city and roam around and visit a couple of museums and meet my cousin bro's gf. [ whoa!! backup a minute, you waaat?? ]
shhhhhh shhhhh i meant my cousin's classmate
btw i really liked her. did i mention she likes xmas and i mean really like like.
oh ho ho ho < rubbing my hands together in glee >
boy are they gonna be some fireworks in my family when this gets out.[ and i thot i was a rebel. i got NOTHING on these guys ]
but seriously? i like her. and i'm throwing my considerable weight behind them. if push comes to shove.. but u know it won't come to that.
times are-a-changing ajji
kaliyuga ajji :P [ my std answer to my granny every time she laments the state of this generation... ]
so i met my cousin, went to the museum, got photographed by some random person for some photo journalism class [ whoa! u what? thats right i did ], ate at some really nice places, went to the planetarium, aquarium, saw the silver bean, walked in the freezing cold along the lake, saw the downtown skyline from the shore of the lake, hancock tower, saw the world's largest McD, trump tower, sears tower...
wait what else did i do?
saw an ice sculpture fest, the river, think i covered it all?
after all, i gotta log it here, before they're lost in the labrynths of my memory forever...
oh the museum was awesom. spent half of monday on it. gud thing i went by myself too. else i'd have been whining all the way..
they had ancient egypt [ sarcophagus, copffins, mummies, pottery, a boat, papyrus, hieroglyphics, stones, gods, cats, animals things, jars to keep organs in, wierd stuff.. ok stop ], ancient china [ pottery, bronze, clothes, dolls, drama, statues, buddha statues, vessels, etc ], tibet, buddhism, mesopotamia, pacific islanders [ masks, hut, house, their totem pole kind of things, their rituals for the dead, their art, animal carvings, etc ]
then there was the mammals, insects, minerals, underground bugs [ oh u guys wud have LOVED it. it was nasty and gross. u had to go into this cave and it was as if u were one inch tall and all the bugs and worms were scaled up. so u were in the middle of roots and larvae and worms and they MOVED! and eeeeew. i hightailed it out of there :P ]
then the dinosaurs[ awesome i got to see a stegosaurus, but it might have been part plaster ] and fish and ice age and stuff.
and the jade collection. and the gold jewelry collection.
i think thats it for the museum.
i liked ancient egypt and china the best
then i went to the aquarium where i saw the sting ray, normal and polka dotted. my fav fav fish. and some dogfish shark and some sea horses. aaaw sea horses and sea dragons are soooo cute.
the planetarium was cool but i was so tired, i fell asleep in the first show. the second show was better, [ robert redford. how can i not love it? ]
and u know how planetariums are.

i am SO going to Boston next. and this is the official kick off of my travel logs.
oh btw did nothing for V day. in case ur curious...i didnt get even a bud or a cacti plant :D
yeah yeah i know i know. V day is just a big conspiracy perpetuated by the card and flower companies. but now that i think bout it i WOULD have liked atleast a carnation. [ i like carnations, actually are they the wierd flower with papery petals?? i don't think i know what carnations are... ]
anyways i'll just buy myself some flowers this week. [ and b4 u ask, no i'm not gonna tell ppl someone gave them to me u doofus ]
but mebe ur expectring me to rant and rave against vday as a lie and a big hokie and etc etc. but ummm u see, i like getting gifts :D
heyy. i'll celebrate any stupid day that involves girls getting gifts.
yeah i know its a rough deal for guys, but whatever :D
oh btw i didn't even mention my flight sitting on the tarmac for over an hour coz of the seat cushion of the pilot, them losing my bags and me running thru the las vegas airport coz my first flight was delayed.
hey they don't call me the QoD for nothing!!
i earned it. fair and square!