Monday, October 27, 2008

LeT mE iNtrOduCE yOu

once me and my friend who-is-now-no-longer-my-friend , once we discussed the different degrees of awareness

what you think you are
what others think you are
what you think that others think you are
what others think that you think you are
what you think that others think that you think you are
and what others think that you think that others think you are

ya the last 2 took us both a while to sort out in our head. forget it, it might give you a headache. this was during my crazy days :P [ like i'm sane now! ]

ever think. how you'd like to be described by others.
like if u had to be described by your friend to another unkown person of what you were. [ and u know this happens often ] what would you like them to say??
would what u want match with what they would actually say??

would they say. he/she's a really really nice person. a sweetheart. a heart of gold. and etc etc
or wud they just shrug and smile and say no comments [ oh come on. no one actually bad mouths anyone to a third party. that just makes them look bad too...ppl generallly take a very passive agressive approach ]


  1. the degree of awareness u ve discussed can easily be classified by something called 'Johari window' in theory.

    since ur so concerned abt me, how abt posting a pic of the fall too.

  2. uh oh not you again. for a while back there, i had someone hounding me about my lack of sense and some wierd philosophy from some guru. infact i think that person was so perturbed by my chaos, he was kind enuf [gag] to even provide the link to that guru's website. if u are that person, go away.
