warning: long post ahead. might cause cranial damage. ignore if easily irritable.
it could have been worse.
my first day in the office I mean.
atleast that's what I was thinking at 7:30 in the friggin morning when the security officer said i couldn't enter the building coz my name wasn't in the system. ok calm down. lets not panic. my roomie tells me i'll prob not be able to start for another 2 weeks [ ok start panicking... i need to get paid !! i'm broke !! ]. so i just called all the I____ ppl i knew.. and managed to get someone to claim me in just 55 minutes [ obv. ppl don't come in till 8:30 ].
ok i'm in now. i sit for the orientation.
cool. things are moving along now.
ok now i gotta get a picture ID taken and get 'THE BADGE'. darn it. my name is not in the system again. i have to go to another campus tomoro and pray for the best.
and then he very politely tells me since i'm technically still a visitor. i can't roam around on my own and need to be 'escorted' around. i'm looking at him blankly. i don't understand what he's saying. where will he escort me? i have NOWHERE to go after this. and when i explain this to him , he just smiles, nods his head and before you can say 'yankee doodle' i've been escorted out of the building. and he's been smiling and nodding his head at me all the way, too.
i wake up from the daze i was in. what the heck am I doing in the parking lot?
ok lets not panic.
start calling potential ppl who can drop you.
"I'm sick I didn't come into the office today. mebe u can take a bus" [ wat bus?? ]
"I'm not in the office. I'm in the bank for another 2 hours. wait will ask my friends if someone can drop you." [ unfortunately he promptly forgot me after that ]
"I'm with the person above in the bank. why don't u try M____ or take the I___ shuttle to the railway station." [ and then what Einstein?? ]
"I'm ill didn't come to office today. take some cab numbers" [ strike 2 and unfortunately i promptly forgot the numbers after that call. ]
"I'm in a dundgeon meeting. can't leave for another 3 hours." [ OK ]
gud lord! thats all the people i knew. the probability of this happening was wat?? 4%??
so i'm talking to this friend of mine in Arbor, [ hey K_____ , how u doing? :) ]
and he advises me to camp out at the nearest starbucks. ok. i look around.
ofcourse wats next to an I___ campus ?? a bloody airport !! a small airfield actually. the circumference makes up half of the 5 mile trek back home. damn u starbucks.
so i start walking. hey, i'm tough. i'm not some whiny ass, who can't trek 5 miles in girlie sandals. [ though i suspect the last 2 miles will be barefoot and me drunkenly weaving around on the sidewalk. ugh, thats not a pretty picture... ]
another friend listens to me bitchin and moanin and says he has only one thing to say
"congrats on getting your job !" and he's lauging his ass off. [ B**** ]
ok so i'm walking and half way through i think, it could have been worse. it could be raining.
uh gr8. i had to open my big mouth. it started raining. darn it
ofcourse all this while the uppermost thought in my head isn't how do i get out of this mess , but man this is fantastic! this is awesome material for my blog. i can't wait to get this down !!! [ :-/ WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME??? am i brain dead?? was i dropped on my head as a kid?? its raining and f***ing cold and i still have 3 miles to go.... ]
hey, mebe i can call a cab. friend num 2/3/4?? gave me cab numbers and i got them here somewhere...
ok here we go
uh oh
uh oh..
damn the battery is just about de--------------