Tuesday, March 3, 2009

oF LenTiL gArdeNs anD leAky piPes

hey!! wait.
have i stuck to my new years resolution to not bad mouth morons???

:D u know what becker says don't you.
he says the world is full of morons and if someone doesn't point it out to them. they'll never know it. so he's going to change the world. one idiot at a time :D
aaah becker. father of house :P

well anyways. i havent bad mouthed anyone recently have i?? or vented or been mean. that's nice. hey/ mebe i'm turning a new leaf!! aaaw who am i kidding.

hey!! so what if there was this cartel. you know of evil ppl plotting to turn everyone into noodle brains or earthworms ...
that reminds me.
note to self: NO OPEN TOED SHOES IN EARTHWORM SEASON. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeew



oh right back to the cartel of evil lords who want to turn us into their mindless zombies... wait maybe that's Microsoft and Apple. [ ok that was a really bad joke.. sigh i'm running out of steam aren't i?? ]

wait!! i got something......

nopes... i already told you that one.

oh come on. i feel like a leaking bucket. GIMME A BREAK HERE..
ok ok PMS is always bad. esp when it takes up 60% of the month. well u know why its called PMS right ? yeah .... coz the name Mad Cow Disease was already taken.

right right. recycling jokes is bad... yaawn. oh alright. toodles already.



  1. I din't like to google ads. Now the authenticity of this blog is kinda lost....

  2. what are you talking about??? its HILLARIOUS to find ads for leaky faucets below my post. i haven't laughed this hard since... since...

    yeah i know what your saying... how much you want to bet, i'll get annoyed by it myself and remove em by the end of the week??
    i say 10 bucks i won't last another 48 hours....

  3. this is like endless entertainment :D oh come ON. don't be cross!!
    this is SPLENDID!
