Monday, February 6, 2012

aLL biKed oUT

i'm inspired by all these ppl cycling everywhere.

i'm planning to rent a cycle and cycle to work ! at -3C . awesome huh ?

not tomorrow. tomorrow is -18C... i'm crazy but i'm not insane.

uitgaan en heers !!


rented a cycle. lets see what my brain says in the mornign. am i MAD ?? YES.

you'll get a pic out of it atleast. waiting for 7:30 AM.

this blog is turning into a twitter update. hmm i don't think i like it ...

uitgaan en heers !!


allright ! so i did it. i'm hot as heck now. and i have too many layers on for indoors.. but it was Amazing !

you should try it too. make sure not to freeze your ears off !

gets so hot after ur done... i'm just waaaay to sleepy now !!


i finally made it back, returned the bike , spent more than it would have cost going by bus to the office,

almost lost my way back... it was freaky awesome !

some say i have a fair bit of will power... some call it mad cow disease....

onwards to Finland next !!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. removed since it was more wordy than my blog. i am jealous

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. same reason as above. if i want to peddle boots, i'll do it on my own time.
