Friday, August 7, 2009

eLaboRate iS a wHoLe diFf wOrd hErE

A. my roomie. had her b'day yesterday

so we rented the club house of one of the appt complexes
and we had a bollywood bash night
and everyone came dressed up in ghaghras and cool clothes and stuff
and we had music
and a fog machine
and colored lights
and the smoke alarm went off
and the firefighters came
but before that we had her blindfolded and got her there
and cut the cake
and everyone danced
and my mom and kaushik's mom danced
and we ate pizzas and stuff
then party was over and we cleaned up
but the firefighters came and we had to switch off the fog machine and they left after making sure
everyone was ok.

then we went to the friends place who lived there in that appt
wait not over yet
and then while everyone was having the rest of the pizzas
and wine
oooh we had plastic wine glasses and wine
and while everyone was eating
i went back home
and set up another cake for midnight which A's bf had got
and then ppl left from S's place and came to our place
and he got her in the end
and S had to make it before P [ A's bf ] even though she had to leave after him !!
and she did
and we waited and when A walked in
there was another cake for midnight and some gifts which i wrapped 3.45 minutes before
and we cut that cake
and the whole of next day she got gifts all day long in installments
and the next day when she reached office
H had decorated her cube with 100 flowers and balloons
and a soft toy
and then i went to drop my mom at the airport in the evening [ cali trip ] and when i got back
we all wore nice clothes and went for dinner
but all places were closed
so we reached exactly 10 minutes late to 2 places and cudnt get seated
and went to a 3rd place
and there wasnt much as the kitchen was closing
but we ate some awesome appetizers
and filled our stomach
and came home
and collapsed in a heap
and so i was late to office today


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